The following Terms and Conditions regulate the use of the website www.bya.com.mx (the Website), through which our Firm provides information on the services it provides, its activities, its members and general information of interest, among others.

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully, because the use of the Website on your behalf indicates your absolute acceptance and the fact that you continue to use it will indicate that you agree with these Terms and Conditions. If you want to make any comments about the Website and/or have any suggestions, we would appreciate it if you send us a message by e-mail to despacho@bya.com.mx .


The purpose of this Website is to inform to the public about the services provided by Blasco y Asociados, S.C. (BYA), as well as of any related information and legislative events that take place in Mexico, so that no part of the content of this Website can be interpreted as a legal or any other opinion of BYA and/or of its partners, associates, employees, officials and/or of counsels.

The contents included in the Website are for informative purposes and constitute general information related to the areas of specialty of BYA, its partners, associates, employees, officials and/or of counsels. In that sense, any content of the Website does not substitute or constitute a legal or any other opinion, for this reason you may not consider the contents of the Website as legal or any other opinions.

The contents of the Website do not necessarily represent the opinions of BYA, its partners, associates, employees, officials and/or of counsels, or even its clients. If you require a legal or any other opinion you must engage specialized advice. Please contact any of the partners who will inform you if BYA can provide such services and assistance.


The services or information that is provided through the Website and all the available material that is found in it are property of BYA, for which the use of the Website is authorized exclusively for personal non-commercial use.

The user of the Website guarantees to BYA that he will not use the Website for any purpose of committing or carrying out an illegal act or that is prohibited by the Terms and Conditions described here.

All content on the Website, including, but not limited to texts, graphics, photographs, logos, trademarks, images, databases, as well as graphic design, source code and software, are the exclusive property of BYA or third parties, whose rights recognizes BYA and is subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights protected by applicable domestic and international regulations.


It is strictly forbidden to use all elements of the content of the Website and they are subject of intellectual and industrial property for any purpose, including its reproduction, copy, distribution, modification, alteration wholly or partially.

The user of the Website is obliged to use it in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, in a diligent, correct and lawful manner, and in accordance with morality and accepted customs. The user will be liable for damages of any nature that BYA may suffer, directly or indirectly, as a consequence of the breach of any of the obligations arising from these Terms and Conditions and/or the terms and conditions of any particular service that is include in the Website or the applicable law in connection to its use.

BYA reserves the right in its sole discretion, to interrupt, modify, alter the content and/or access of the Website, at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical reasons, security, control, maintenance, failures of electrical supply or for any other reason.


BYA does not guarantee or assume any type of responsibility for the damages suffered by the access to the Website by third parties through connections, links or links of the linked websites, nor by links to other websites that the user can make from the Website. 

BYA will not be responsible for any damages that may arise from the presence of viruses or other harmful elements in the contents of the Website, which may cause alteration in the computer and data systems, as well as in the documents or systems stored in them.


The Website may link the user to other websites. These websites are not under the control of BYA, so it will not be responsible for the veracity, accuracy, legality or any other aspect that may be offensive to users of the websites included in the Website. The inclusion of the websites on the Website does not generate any association or relationship between BYA and the owners of the other websites.

BYA will not be responsible for verifying the accuracy, veracity or reliability of the information contained in the websites included in the Website. BYA will not be responsible or guarantee the security of any personal information that is provided by the user to the websites included in the Website.

The user waives and agrees to release all liability, as well as to initiate any legal action against BYA arising from any dispute arising between the user and the websites included in the Website.

The user assumes the entire cost of any maintenance, repair or correction necessary in case of any loss or damage suffered by the use of the Website.


The user is obliged to comply with the federal and local applicable regulations and rules. The user is obliged to fulfill with all applicable laws to the use of the Website.

The user agrees to keep BYA safe and harmless and/or its partners, associates, employees, officials and/or of counsels for any damage they may suffer due to the incorrect use of the Website or for breach of any of the Terms and Conditions described here. Likewise, the user agrees to reimburse BYA for any expenses incurred in connection with the foregoing, including expenses and/or attorneys’ fees.

Updated to March 16, 2022



Blasco y Asociados, S.C. (“BLASCO”), in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the “Law”) and the Regulations of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the “Regulations”), with domicile at Ejército Nacional 418-307, Col. Polanco V Sección, C.P. 11560, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, telephone number (5255) 55 53 96 88, is responsible for the processing of your personal data.


Your personal data may be used depending on the circumstances in which they have been collected, and the relationship with you, provided it is for the following purposes:

1. Primary

  • The administration and general management of BLASCO in order to provide legal services.
  • The hiring and / or acquisition of products and services required by BLASCO to fulfill its corporate purpose.
  • Establishing contact with the people who have requested it through our website bya.com.mx, or by any available means of communication.
  • Answering questions and comments.
  • Responding to job applications that BLASCO receives from you.
  • Where appropriate, establishing a subsequent legal relationship, or for the provision of our services.
  • Keeping in touch with you.

2. Secondary

  • Sending information, magazines that BLASCO considers to be of interest to you, as well as news, communications or advertising from BLASCO.
  • Sending notifications regarding changes to this Privacy Notice.
  • For you to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (ARCO rights) and / or the revocation of your consent.

If you do not consent to any or some of the aforementioned purposes, we ask you to let us know in writing when your information is collected and / or by means of an email to the address privacidad@bya.com.mx, specifying that or those purposes for which you do not consent to the processing of your data.


You can browse our website without having to provide your personal data, however, in a section of such website it is possible that you voluntarily provide it to us. Additionally, BLASCO may collect your data in different circumstances, such as when you send us your Resume in a job search, or when you provide BLASCO with any goods or services, or when you deliver them for the provision of any of our services, or when we obtain information through other sources that are permitted by law. The personal data we collect are the following:

  1. Identification data: name, date of birth, domicile, telephone number, email, images, etc.
  2. Academics: Educational trajectory, title, professional license, certificates, etc.
  3. Labor: Professional career, place of work, position, telephones, etc.
  4. Information for invoicing: Taxpayer ID (RFC), domicile, bank account, etc.


We inform you that BLASCO does not collect sensitive personal and / or patrimonial data. Therefore, in the event that you provide us with sensitive or patrimonial data, they will be eliminated immediately. However, if they were necessary to comply with any purpose or to establish a legal relationship to receive a product or service or to provide our services, your written consent will be requested for your information to be processed for the corresponding purposes. In this case, we promise that they will be treated under the strictest security measures that guarantee their confidentiality.

Likewise, we inform you that BLASCO does not collect personal data from minors and / or the incapacitated, without it being strictly necessary to fulfill the corresponding purposes, and without the express written consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives. Therefore, if for any reason personal data of minors and / or the incapacitated are received, they will be eliminated by BLASCO immediately.


In addition to the exercise of ARCO Rights established in the Law, with the purpose that you can limit the use and disclosure of your Personal Data only for marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting purposes, we offer you, that you can send to the email privacidad@bya.com.mx the request to register in the “Exclusion List” that BLASCO maintains, in order that the Personal Data that you indicate, are not treated for marketing purposes, advertising, sending information of your interest, or commercial prospecting on our part.


We are committed at all times to establish, maintain and protect your personal data with legal, technological and administrative security measures, used by us, against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or the unauthorized use, access or processing of your personal data, as well as to implement a strict confidentiality system with respect to them, and to immediately inform you of any violation of said security and / or confidentiality measures, provided that they significantly affect your economic or moral rights. Likewise, we commit that BLASCO and / or any third party duly contracted or to be contracted, with clauses of confidentiality of information and data protection of third parties that their information is transferred to them, know this Privacy Notice, keep in the treatment and transfer of your personal data the security and confidentiality measures indicated by the Law.


As the owner of your personal data, you have the right to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition before the BLASCO Personal Data Manager (“ARCO Rights”). Likewise, you can totally or partially revoke the consent granted for the processing of your personal data.

You can exercise these rights, by means of the request sent to the email privacidad@bya.com.mx, or at the domicile established in this Privacy Notice, in the terms established by law. If the request is made by mail electronic it is necessary that your request also include a copy of the documentation required by law.

BLASCO will receive and check through the BLASCO Personal Data Manager that the request and the corresponding documentation that accompanies is complete, acknowledging receipt of the copy thereof. Likewise, it will determine the origin or inadmissibility of the request within the period established by the Law, and will make the corresponding determination available to the applicant, in writing, at the address indicated in this Privacy Notice, or at the email from which said request was received.

The deadlines for responding to your request and for the implementation of the corresponding changes will be made in accordance with the terms established in the Law.

It is important to inform you that at any time you can exercise the rights indicated in this notice, however, certain personal data and / or sensitive personal data may be exempt from limitation, access, rectification, cancellation or opposition in accordance with the Law, for example, the obligation to maintain certain information required by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.

For more information, please contact BLASCO’s Personal Data Manager at the telephone number and / or email indicated for such purposes in this privacy notice or visit our website www.bya.com.mx


We inform you that we will not transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except for the exceptions provided for in the Law, and where appropriate, to carry out this transfer in the terms established by it.

Since BLASCO does not process sensitive personal and / or patrimonial data, unless it is strictly essential and under the terms established in this privacy notice, in case they require to be transferred, BLASCO may only do so if it has the consent in writing from its owner.


We reserve the right to make modifications or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time, in order to attend to new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products.

These modifications will be available to the public on our website www.bya.com.mx


We inform you that we do not use cookies and web beacons to obtain personal information from you.


With the granting of your tacit or express consent and / or with the non-opposition to this Privacy Notice, you are obliged to remove BLASCO, as well as any third party duly hired or to contract with information confidentiality clauses and of data protection of third parties, whether domestic or foreign, of any lawsuit or claim that is filed or attempted against them by virtue of the collection, processing and transfer of personal data, sensitive personal data and / or financial data and / or patrimonial data provided.


If you consider that your right to protection of personal data has been harmed by any conduct of our employees or our actions or responses, or you presume that in the processing of your personal data there is a violation of the provisions provided for in the Law, you may file your doubt or complaint before the BLASCO Personal Data Manager and / or to the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), for more information visit www.inai.org.mx.

Updated to March 16, 2022